CONCEPT Modeling hair paste Stylist sculptor 100 ml.
93135 Modeling hair paste Stylist sculptor CONCEPT 100 ml. 93135SKU9313524 ₾30 ₾CONCEPT Tinted balm Caramel blonde 300ml.
94088 Tinted balm "Caramel blonde" CONCEPT 300ml. 94088SKU9408825.50 ₾0 ₾CONCEPT Tinted Balm Effect Arctic Blonde 300 ml.
91995/12373 Tinted balm "Arctic blonde effect" CONCEPT 300ml. 91995/12373SKU91995/1237325.50 ₾0 ₾CONCEPT Tinted balm Pearl blonde effect 300 ml.
92008/12397 Tinted balm "Pearl blonde effect" CONCEPT 300ml. 92008/12397SKU92008/1239725.50 ₾0 ₾CONCEPT Tinted balm Ash blonde effect 300 ml.
92015/39127 Tinted balm "Ash blonde effect" CONCEPT 300ml. 92015/39127SKU92015/3912725.50 ₾0 ₾CONCEPT Silver shampoo for light shades 300 ml
91988/12359 Silver shampoo for light shades CONCEPT 300ml. 91988/12359SKU91988/1235925.50 ₾0 ₾Dewal Beauty Eco-Friendly Brush, blowing, with nylon pin
DBEF1-Beige Brush Dewal Beauty "Eco-Friendly", blowing, with nylon pin, leaf shape,...SKUDBEF1-Beige23.40 ₾0 ₾Dewal Beauty Eco-Friendly Brush, blowing, with nylon pin, purple
DBEF1-Lilac Brush Dewal Beauty "Eco-Friendly", blowing, with nylon pin, leaf shape,...SKUDBEF1-Lilac23.40 ₾0 ₾Dewal Beauty Eco-Friendly Brush, blowing, with nylon pin, mint
DBEF1-Mint Brush Dewal Beauty "Eco-Friendly", blowing, with nylon pin, leaf shape, colorSKUDBEF1-Mint23.40 ₾0 ₾DEWAL JPP049-1 pink Painting brush, pink, with white straight bristles, narrow 45mm
JPP049-1 pink Painting brush DEWAL pink, with white straight bristles, narrow 45mm JPP049-1 pink8.50 ₾0 ₾DEWAL Midnight 03-107 Blue Фен синий 2000 вт. ионизация, 2 насадки
03-107 Blue Фен DEWAL Midnight синий 2000 вт.ионизация, 2 насадки 03-107 BlueSKU03-107169 ₾182.50 ₾DEWAL Midnight Mint 03-107 hair dryer 2000 W, ionization, 2 attachments
03-107 Mint Hair dryer DEWAL Midnight mint 2000 W. ionization, 2 nozzles 03-107 MintSKU03-107169 ₾182.50 ₾Dewal pro Corrugated pliers Pro-ZWide, 50x90mm, titanium-tourmaline coating, 55W, 03-84
03-84 Corrugated tongs DEWAL Pro-ZSlim, 50x90mm, with thermoregulator, titanium-tourmaline...125 ₾133 ₾DEWAL SPLASH 03-080 Hair clipper, 5200-6000 rpm, battery/mains
03-080 Hair clipper DEWAL SPLASH, 0.5-2.0 mm, blade 45 mm, 5200-6000 rpm, battery/mains, (6 usSKU03-080199 ₾201.50 ₾DEWAL T-18 black Painting bowl with two handles, black, with rubberized insert
T-18 black Painting bowl with two handles, black, with rubberized insert DEWAL T-18 blackSKUT-18 black9.50 ₾13 ₾DEWAL T-18 blue Painting bowl with two handles, blue, with rubberized insert
T-18 blue Painting bowl with two handles, blue, with rubberized insert DEWAL T-18 blueSKUT-18 blue9.50 ₾13 ₾DEWAL T-18 wine Coloring bowl with two handles, red, with rubberized insert
T-18 wine Coloring bowl with two handles, red, with rubberized insert DEWAL T-18 wineSKUT-18 wine9.50 ₾13 ₾DEWAL Wooden brushing d 44/70 mm
BRW509CN Brushing DEWAL wooden, nat/bristle+plastic d 44/70 BRW509CNSKUBRW509CN59 ₾0 ₾DEWAL Wooden brushing, natural bristles + plastic d 25/55
BRW506CN Brushing DEWAL wooden, natural bristles + plastic d 25/55 BRW506CNSKUBRW506CN42 ₾0 ₾DEWAL Wooden brushing, natural bristles + plastic d 32/60
BRW507CN Brushing DEWAL wooden, natural bristles + plastic d 32/60 BRW507CNSKUBRW507CN43 ₾0 ₾DEWAL Wooden brushing, d 38/65
BRW508CN Brushing DEWAL wooden, nat/bristle+plastic d 38/65 BRW508CNSKUBRW508CN52 ₾0 ₾DEWAL Colored hair clip BUTTERFLY 12 pcs
CL2202 Hair clip DEWAL color BUTTERFLY 12 pcs/pack CL2202SKUCL220215.50 ₾18.50 ₾