Набор фрез для маникюра 6 шт.Набор фрез китай 6 штSKU0FeaturesMainCountry of manufactureКитайFeaturesMaterialАлмазныйUnit of measurementнаборPacking materialпластикInstrumentфрезы18.50 ₾19.50 ₾Out of stockProduct with the selected option combination is not available for purchaseTbilisi: 1 left pcs.Kutaisi: 1 left pcs.Customer reviews and ratingsBe the first to write a review of this product!Customers who bought Набор фрез для маникюра 6 шт. also boughtNail Art Фрезер-ручка для маникюра и педикюра23 ₾39 ₾To comparisonКрафт пакет 75/1509 ₾12 ₾To comparisonManicure and pedicure machine Nail Drill polisher DM-202109.50 ₾211.50 ₾To comparisonStrong 210/105L Manicure and pedicure machine with pedal, with bag 35000 rpm195 ₾362.50 ₾To comparison